The Kite Runner

One of the only things that I dislike about being back at university is that I never seem to find the time to read. Well, obviously I get to read a lot of journal articles… but I don’t really allow myself the free time to read for pleasure. However, recently I finished The Kite Runner, a novel by an author who is quickly becoming one of my favourites, Khaled Hosseini.

After reading Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns, I didn’t think that any of his other books would compare. But this absolutely did. The Kite Runner is a heart-braking story set primarily in Afghanistan, and is based around the story of Amir, a privileged young boy craving acceptance from his father, and what this need for approval leads to. Central to the novel is Amir’s complicated friendship with Hassan, which has both aspects of light-heartedness as the boys navigate through their way through their childhoods, as well as devastating events that change the course of both of their futures.

I love the culture of the book, feeling transported to a world which in reality I don’t know. And it certainly was a novel that pulled on my heart-strings, with intense plot twists, and central themes of pain, guilt and loss. Hosseini writes in such a way that you become incredibly invested in the characters, willing for them to catch a break out of the spiral of heart-ache and trauma they face.

This book is definitely one that you need to spend time on, and is an intense read. But it is absolutely worth it – The Kite Runner is certainly a novel that I would highly recommend.

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23 thoughts on “The Kite Runner

  1. I understand what you are saying. I dislike not being able to read in college as well. I have to read books in between semesters and I have been challenging myself over those breaks. I read the old classics in between and attempt to finish them and always do. I love reading and it is frustrating when you can’t find time to read them during the semesters

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I read this book, and I absolutely adored the first quarter of the novel. The friendship between Hassan and Amir was so precious and well-written. However, I felt the rest of the book was riddled with co-incidences, unbelievable and I also felt the author was trying too hard to be ‘poignant’ all the time. It felt very unnatural, whereas the first quarter had felt naturally ‘poignant.’ I can see why people love this book, but I personally was very disappointed after what appeared to be a promising start.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I LOVE Hosseini! I’ve saved The Kite Runner for my trip to India to read on the plane because I know it’s going to be soooooo good. I didn’t think anything could beat A Thousand Splendid Suns until I read And the Mountains Echoed (deffo recommend!!), so I’m looking forward to this one!


  4. I’m reading ‘Go set a Watchman’ at the moment, but after a couple of so-so genre reads I’m looking to break the slump. Hosseini’s name is a regular on the shelf that’s drawn my attention, but I’ve passed it over lately to read work with a political angle. This sounds like a welcome vacation.


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